Why Shizuoka
Convenient Access,Located in the Center of Japan
Located in the middle of Japan’s east and west, Shizuoka Prefecture can be easily accessed from three major cities, but is still situated amongst Japan’s beautiful countryside. It can be accessed from each place via Tokaido Shinkansen (bullet train), Tomei Expressway, Shin-Tomei Expressway, and Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport. Izu Peninsula is also a highly recommended place to visit and can be quickly accessed via the new HIGASHI-SURUGAWAN RING ROAD.
Beautiful Natural Environment at World Heritage Mt. Fuji
Shizuoka Prefecture is a World Heritage Site located on the foot of Mt. Fuji and provides stunning natural views along with refreshing, clean air, and comfortable venues. The setting makes this an excellent location for conventions and/or post conventions.
Maintains a Mild Climate All Year Round Ideal for Conventions
Shizuoka Prefecture has a mild climate all year round, especially in winter having more sunny days compared to most of Japan. It’s less affected by typhoons, and its predictably equable climate makes it an ideal choice for conventions with fixed schedules. Shizuoka also has a beautiful, natural environment with Suruga Bay, Mt.
Fuji, and other rivers and lakes, which accompanied with clean, fresh air makes for a nice, relaxing place to hold conventions.
Hamamatsu Area

Hamamatsu Area is widely known as one of the nation’s top ‘Manufacturing Cities’. The area’s advanced skills include producing
fibers, instruments, and hardware, as well as the development of optical technology and electronics. It is these industries that laid
the foundation that developed the area. Along with this there are also a lot of natural tourist spots as well, and the area maintains a
nice balance between its industry and natural surroundings.
Fully equipped, comfortable environment for conventions, including a system for simultaneous interpretation .(available in 6 languages)
Shizuoka Central Area
Shizuoka area lies in the central part of the Shizuoka prefecture. The town has been highly favored by famous Japanese artists, and much of its historical architecture still remains providing visitors with lots to see. That said there are a lot of modern industrial facilities
too. With a major venue which has held a convention on disarmament sponsored by the United Nations, the area plays a role as a prefectural capital.
Unparalleled commodious halls filled with bright natural light suitable for gatherings of all kinds.
Ideal hub venue for industrial and cultural activities with 6 extensive exhibit halls.

Mt.Fuji & Izu Area
The area’s biggest draw is, needless to say, Mt. Fuji, a world heritage site and the highest mountain in Japan. Suruga Bay, which is the deepest bay of Japan, and the beautifully scenic ‘Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park’ are also in this area. By taking advantage of these tourism resources your MICE event will be a great success.
Three minute walk from JR Numazu station. The largest convention complex with accommodation, convention halls, and exhibition halls.
Large exhibition hall combinable with open-air exhibit space for big events.
Complex facility with traditional Japanese tea ceremony room.Hosted international conventions before.

Supporting Information
What can the convention bureau do for you?
Introduce Venues
We will introduce venues in your preferred area according to the size, the date, and the budget of the convention you are planning.
- Introduce Related Agents
We will introduce related agents for setting up, accommodation,and transportation, to ensure your convention runs smoothly. - Arrange Booths
We can arrange booths where your guests can buy the area’s local products. - Provide Banners
We can create and provide banners with your event’s name. - Provide Brochures for Tourists
We have a wide range of touristic brochures for each area. - Lend Photographs
We can lend photographs of venues or tourist spots of the area which you may need for creating booklets or hand-outs for your convention.
Please contact each bureau directly for more information.
Hamamatsu Area
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Hamamatsu & Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau
Shizuoka Central Area
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Shizuoka Convention Bureau
Mt.Fuji & Izu Area
General Incorporated Associations Fujisan Tourism & Communication Bureau
Shizuoka East Convention Bureau
Post Convention Tours
Planning Your MICE Event
Here we introduce some special ideas for MICE. Why don’t you plan your conference or party in an unusual and unique way such as below?
Hamamatsu Area
Training camp at Okuyama Houkouji temple
Shizuoka Central Area
Party in front of the Aquarium Tank after Closing Hours
Mt.Fuji & Izu Area
Convention on the Noh Stage
SHIZUOKA MICE Guide (English)(外部リンク)
The international directory for Meeting Professionals.
Supporting Information
Hamamatsu & Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau(外部リンク)
Shizuoka Convention Bureau(外部リンク)
Fujisan Tourism & Communication Bureau(外部リンク)
Shizuoka East Convention Bureau(外部リンク)
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〒420-8601 静岡市葵区追手町9-6