Office of Governor SUZUKI Yasutomo


ページID1007875  更新日 2024年8月20日


SUZUKI Yasutomo

I am SUZUKI Yasutomo, the newly inaugurated governor of Shizuoka Prefecture. I am deeply honored that the people of Shizuoka have entrusted me with the responsibility of representing the prefecture and managing its administration.

To achieve the highest level of well-being in Japan through a united, prefecture-wide effort, we will implement balanced policies that address the needs of both current and future generations with fiscal prudence. We will ensure that not a single yen of taxpayer money is wasted. As we pave the way for the future, I promise to tackle new challenges without being bound by precedent.

Specifically, we will focus on industrial policies that drive the prefecture's growth. By attracting cutting-edge industries and startups tailored to the unique characteristics of each region, we aim to stimulate economic growth and revitalize local communities.

In addition to economic growth, we will address pressing challenges such as population decline, healthcare, and disaster preparedness. I look forward to visiting all corners of the prefecture to understand local challenges and listen to the people to ensure our policies reflect their needs.

We are also working to establish a well-being index to measure and enhance the quality of life for our residents. By visualizing well-being and ease of living, capitalizing on our strengths, and turning our weaknesses into strengths, we strive to make Shizuoka the happiest prefecture in Japan.

Local governance operates on a dual representation system. Effective communication and collaboration between the governor and the prefectural assembly are essential to advancing the prefecture's administration. I look forward to working with the members of our assembly to advance various initiatives together.

I humbly ask for your support and cooperation.


〒420-8601 静岡市葵区追手町9-6