Multiculturalism in Shizuoka Prefecture(多文化共生のページ英語版)


ページID1015549  更新日 2023年3月16日


Information regarding the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus

Newest information regarding the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus will be updated here


News Bulletin

The Multicultural Affairs Division of the Shizuoka Prefectural Government manages a Facebook page (click here) and a Twitter page (click here) where information about events, news, or items of interest are periodically posted. This news bulletin section hosts the most recent posts so as to allow visitors without Facebook or Twitter to be kept updated.


Best of Shizuoka

Did you know that Shizuoka is number one in Japan and even the world at many things?

Shizuoka has the:
Tallest mountain in Japan with Mount Fuji at 3,776 m
Deepest bay in Japan with Suruga Bay at 2,500 m
Highest volume of domestic production in Japan
Only place that sakura shrimp can be caught
Entirety of Japan's piano and photomultiplier tube production manufacturing industry
Earliest breakfast start time in Japan


Essential Daily Life Information

This section features various kinds of useful information for living a happy, healthy life in Shizuoka Prefecture.


About the Multicultural Affairs Division

The Multicultural Affairs Division exists to look after the non-Japanese population of Shizuoka Prefecture and implementing plans and procedures to allow non-Japanese people to assimilate into Japanese society. The division employs people from Japan, Brazil, Singapore and the Philippines. In addition to in-house native checking and translations for English, Chinese, Portuguese, and Filipino, the international staff visit various schools within the prefecture, where they give presentations in Japanese about their home countries to try and raise global awareness in the youth of Japan. The Multicultural Affairs Division also supervises a Facebook page and Twitter page, and maintains this website, all as part of an effort to get important or useful information out to people interested in, and residents of, Shizuoka Prefecture.


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〒420-8601 静岡市葵区追手町9-6